Marijuana is now very prominent because of its contribution to medical use. It can help treat chronic illnesses such as epilepsi, ADHD and more. It is also usable and very effective for people who have anxiety, depression and the likes. With that said, there are already many recorded cases of how marijuana works its wonders. To most individuals, the flower or bud is the most common marijuana product they can buy. It is a dried flower of the cannabis sativa that is consumable when puffed. Nowadays, at maryland medical marijuana dispensary, there are already plenty of marijuana products that you can choose.
Introducing Haven (Marijuana Dispensary)
The Haven is a licensed seller of marijuana products located in Maryland, USA. The place had the approval of the higher-ups to cater clients that have marijuana prescriptions to take regularly. It is now legal in the United States to give out medicinal herbs for people to cure or treat their illnesses. With that idea, you need to have a prescription or a medical cannabis card to buy from their shop. The cards and prescriptions are necessary to control the misuse of cannabis. Haven is a professional place where you can have access to your personal consumable cannabis.
The products that Haven offer
Nowadays, there are already plenty of products that you can choose aside from the traditional flower or buds. In Haven, they ensured that you will have your options and own preferences as to who you are going to take your daily dose of marijuana. That is why, they have an array of options for you to try and here are as follows:
- Topicals
These are mostly applied in a particular part of your body. In Haven, they have different types of topical balms that are high or low in CDB. The balms could cost $30 – $55.
- Tinctures
Tinctures are alcohols extracted and infused from cannabis. Tinctures is a liquid that you can incorporate to your juice, your meals or even straight up drinking it. There are hybrids, indica and High in CBD tinctures available in Haven. These stuff can cost you around $35 – $85 a piece.
- Edibles
Edibles are very prominent when incorporating cannabis to other products. These are foods that you can eat infused with marijuana. You can eat them as gummies, jellies, brownies and more. These edibles can also vary in flavor such as mint candies, strawberry and the likes. Edibles also vary their prices on the type.
With all that mentioned, Haven also has vaporizers, concentrates and other accessories that you might want to purchase. Now that you know all this, make sure you visit their website and see good deals they offer from time to time.